We support Democratic candidates fighting on behalf of the idea that anyone, from any walk of life, should have a fair shot at the American Dream. It’s a simple but powerful idea: we are stronger together.
Hazlet is at a crossroads. We share information with our neighbors to build support for candidates and ideas that promote smart, affordable, and transparent local government.
In America, everyone has a seat at the table. We meet monthly, canvas neighborhoods, call friends and family, and organize ourselves to promote our team’s vision for the community.
Our commitment to Hazlet extends beyond politics. Each year, we host events to benefit local charities and help two deserving Raritan High School students with college.
Think Hazlet’s a great place and want to keep it that way? Stay informed by signing up for updates about important issues that impact our community.
Our mission is to support Democratic candidates, obtain information on issues, take political action, and organize social events and networking opportunities for Hazlet Democrats.